The Church Heyday Tour Tshirt

PRODUCT: The Church Heyday Tour two-sided t-shirt.
COLOR: White
A3 (Front) / A4 (Back)
T-SHIRT MODEL: Stanley / Stella Rocker (Man/Unisex) Sol’s Regent (Woman)

In Green Slime Shop we travel back in time to the summer of 1985 where The Church began an extensive tour in the United States with the album, Heyday, which would take them to the American market where they would consolidate their position with their next album Starfish.

On this occasion we have not created a T-shirt for the tour but have faithfully reproduced the official T-shirt that was sold on the American tour. To do this we have modified the original photo of heyday so that it is identical to the image that appeared on the original T-shirt, which was based on the cover of the single Tantalized. We have also used Heyday’s fonts that years later they would also use on their album Gold Afternoon Fix. All this is printed on a Stanley/Stella t-shirt of the highest quality

Limited edition 25 handnumbered copies only!

More info:  Main product page


The Church are a long-running Australian band, still touring today, and although they did not achieve massive success despite the great songs on their albums and singles, they are one of the most important bands of the 80s. Their albums are and were a mixture of styles that were rare at the time and range from pop and rock to folk, psychedelia, progressive rock, kraut-rock...a whole range of sounds that make their albums highly enjoyable and grow with each listen.

In our case, always for nostalgic reasons, we'll stick with the period from The Blurred Crusade to Gold Afternoon Fix, a time when the band was played intensively in our city, even on commercial radio stations, so that The Church were part, sometimes involuntarily, of the soundtrack that permeated our last years of high school. In addition, their frequent visits to our city with their wonderful live performances made them a very popular band at the time.